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Retro-Commissioning (RCx) for Illinois Buildings

What is Retro-commissioning (RCx)?

Retro-commissioning (RCx) is a process of inspecting, testing, and adjusting existing building systems to improve their performance. It is a systematic approach to identifying and addressing inefficiencies in building operations, and can result in significant energy savings, reduced operating costs, and improved indoor air quality.

RCx is typically applied to large buildings, such as office buildings, hospitals, and schools. However, it can also be used in smaller buildings, and is becoming increasingly common as owners and operators look for ways to reduce their energy consumption and operating costs.

The RCx process typically involves the following steps:

Building assessment: The first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the building’s systems and equipment. This includes gathering data on energy use, water use, and indoor air quality. The assessment will also identify any potential problems with the building’s systems, such as malfunctioning equipment or inefficient controls.
System testing: Once the building has been assessed, the next step is to test the individual systems to determine their performance. This testing may include measuring the airflow, temperature, and pressure of the HVAC system, or the water flow and pressure of the plumbing system.
System adjustment: Once the systems have been tested, they can be adjusted to improve their performance. This may involve adjusting the settings on the controls, or replacing malfunctioning equipment.
Documentation: The final step is to document the results of the RCx process. This documentation will help the building owner or operator to track the progress of the RCx program and to identify any areas that need further attention.

energy usage

Large Private and Public Building Opportunities

RCx can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it can be a very effective way to improve the performance of a public or private building. The benefits of RCx include:

Energy savings: RCx can lead to significant energy savings, which can save the building owner or operator money on their utility bills.
Reduced operating costs: RCx can also lead to reduced operating costs, such as the cost of maintenance and repairs.
Improved indoor air quality: RCx can improve indoor air quality by addressing problems such as malfunctioning ventilation systems or poor air filtration.
Increased occupant comfort: RCx can also improve occupant comfort by ensuring that the building’s systems are operating efficiently and that the indoor environment is comfortable.
If you are the owner or operator of a large building, RCx is a valuable tool that can help you to improve the performance of your building and save money on your operating costs.

In addition to the benefits listed above, RCx can also help to improve the value of your building. A well-commissioned building is more likely to be attractive to tenants and buyers, and it can command a higher price in the marketplace.

If you are considering RCx for your building, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a qualified RCx firm. There are many RCx firms in the marketplace, so it is important to do your research and choose a firm that has experience and expertise in RCx for large buildings.

Second, you should be prepared to invest some time and money in the RCx process. RCx can be a complex and time-consuming process, but the benefits can be significant.

Finally, you should be patient. The RCx process can take several months to complete, so it is important to be patient and to work with the RCx firm to ensure that the process is completed successfully.

If you are looking for ways to improve the performance of your large building, RCx is a valuable tool that can help you to save money, improve occupant comfort, and increase the value of your building.

Energy Efficiency Programs

There are a growing amount of incentives available for RCx for both public and private buildings in Illinois. These programs involve small improvements with less than a 1.5 year simple payback, so not a capital improvement program and small funding needed for big returns.

State and Federal Help

In addition to grants, there are federal and state incentives, as well as municipal level support, for this growing industry.

How it all works

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The bean counters on your team will be jumping for joy from the unexpected savings and your team’s Earth lovers will be singing your praises in no time. That’s because Verde’s solutions are just as good for your bottom line as they are for the Earth.


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Verde Energy Efficiency Expert 5328 N Northwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60630

T (773) 413-9587