Our Clients

Grocery Store Energy Efficiency
There are often utility programs specialized for grocery stores, as they are so unique in their demands and needs. As one of the highest energy users – they cannot help but invest in energy efficiency to compete in today’s modern environment. In fact, we have seen 2020 to be the biggest driver of investment for energy efficiency in this market.
Distressed Communities Program
Like the Instant Discount Program, the Distressed Community program is a delivery only program that is ideal for those communities that have their own staff that can change a ballast or fixture.

Public Sector
Thanks to FEJA, the Small Facilities Public Sector Program is being managed by ComEd through the Energy Efficiency Program. Previously this program was managed by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Small business
This program is for private sector buildings that fall into the 0-200 kWh usage per month category. The SBES program, administered by Nexant, is incredibly comprehensive, and has rebates for everything a small business could dream of- from air compressors to HVAC units to shiny new LED fixtures to weather stripping. This program focuses on kWh reduction, so the lower the wattage of the fixtures installed, the more money you will receive.
Med to large businesses
Like the SBES program, the Standard program, administered by DNV GL, offers rebates to private sector buildings that use over 200 kWhs of energy per month, which is commonly seen in warehouses, large office buildings, and sometimes a McDonald’s here and there. This program is also comprehensive, and offers countless rebate opportunities for indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, and refrigeration measures. Buildings that fall into this program benefit greatly from the energy efficiency upgrades, since the amount of energy used to keep the building comfortable and safe is so much higher.
Public Sector
Thanks to FEJA, the Small Facilities Public Sector Program is being managed by ComEd for the first time this year. Previously this program was managed by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and is now being administered by Willdan. This program mirrors the SBES program, but is for public sector buildings that fall into the 0-100 kWh usage per month category. Verde is proud to have completed one of the first projects ever in this program- shout out to Wheeling Firehouse 23!

Multi Family
This exciting new program, administered by Franklin Energy, provides rebates for market rate condo and apartment buildings over 3 units. This program covers both in-unit and common area measures, and is designed to make projects completely free to the customer. The Multi-Family Energy Savings Program, or MFESP, provides higher rebate levels for a lesser variety of measures, which provides no cost to the customer. This program provides rebates for LED lighting upgrades and occupancy controls.