ev charger installation energy efficient Warehouse

Erik EtcittyLicensed Electrician

erik etcitty verde

Erik Etcitty

Erik is currently an electrician at Verde since 2016, learning and growing significantly in skills since that time.  He studied and passed to become a licensed electrician in 2023.  

“I cherish what this company has done for me over the past three years as well as what we have done for our city and the environment.  Verde as a whole taught me lessons from personal ethics to understanding what the company says when all parts are unified.  Verde taught me that it takes everyone to come together to make something great”, according to Erik.

Erik is a professional street basketball player, or at least he claims this himself.  His grandmother is one of the last full-blooded Native Americans from the Navajo Tribe.  He is a very adventurous person, but he is afraid of spiders.

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Verde Energy Efficiency Expert 5328 N Northwest Highway
Chicago, IL 60630

T (773) 413-9587